A young Syrian boy in a rescue camp, his face a mixture of resilience and the bewilderment of youth thrust into calamity.
A couple sitting amid the wreckage of what was once their home, awaiting the rescue teams. They’d been waiting for over 100 hours for any news of their loved ones believed to be under the rubble.
A rescue worker, pausing to observe a digger carefully navigating the debris in search of survivors or to recover the bodies those lost to the quake.
A poignant image of a displaced Turkish child in a refugee center, one of many who have lost their homes and sense of normalcy.
The deep respect for religious practices even in disaster, with rescuers carefully retrieving prayer rugs from the debris and placing them respectfully aside.
A Syrian man overlooking a camp set up for earthquake refugees near Afrin, his expression one of concern and contemplation.
A Syrian man waiting in a queue for emergency aid distribution, a snapshot of the many in need of assistance.
A young Syrian boy in a rescue camp, his face a mixture of resilience and the bewilderment of youth thrust into calamity.